Sunday, October 3, 2010

RP Avatar: Vampire Battle Armor

This is my Vampire Battle Armor from Vamporium. I really love the way this armor looks and there are options for helm and cloak. This is the skull mask helm which is the one I like the most, there is also open and closed face. The cloak comes in black, blood red, brown and gray. I'm not usually the biggest fan of glowy eyes, but these look more like rubies for the helms eyes and it looks pretty bad ass, the other two helm types do not include them. It comes with a shape and skin, but they are not the greatest so I am using another vampire skin called Misfit, not that you are able to see much of the skin.  It's from a store named Treason, but I am no longer able to locate this store. Their are also gestures included to draw and sheath the sword and to change your stance. The weapon is not combat ready, but you could always use another weapon if interested in DCS or one of the other HUD based combat systems.


  1. This armor is very interesting Ry. You always find the best stuff! For some reason I find the mouth extremely scary. *shiver*

  2. oooh scary! Temptation to push you into a well rising...



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