I was at Atui and saw their hair tat designs and I really liked this one and picked it up and put this Madesign mohawk with it. I put one of GothiCatz new outfit with it and thought it looked really cool. I put some new piercings from HoD with it and my favorite earrings from Rozoregalia. I think its amazing how different the same skin can look depending on what you wear with it.
Skin: Belleza- Shawn
Hair: Madesigns- Jake black
Eyes: Poetic Colors- Glowing Coal
Jacket with shirt & scarf- Gothicatz- Opus
Pants- Fir & Mina Pinstrike grey
Shoes- Evocative- Cuban Black
Rings- Rozoregalia - Gazellver
Necklace- Earthstones- Phoenix
Earrings- Rozoregalia - Nornir
Facial Piercings- HoD- Bump in the night
I love the look! It's so unique.. a real fusion of awesomeness. The hair.. it rocks my casbah!! <3 100%