It has taken me longer than expected to get this blog post out due to rl car troubles and the release of WoW Cataclysm.

I wanted to do a Camo outfit for a while using this cool Camo cargo jacket from grasp. The tank top is one of my first shirts, but I have searched everywhere and I'm not able to find it anymore in world, but I thought it fit well with the outfit. As I looked for other stuff to go along with the jacket and camo docs, I found lots of cool stuff at Tonktastic. The armbands, the pants, and the gas mask are all from Tonktastic.
Skin- Unique- Jordan
Hair- Ispachi- Hunter
Eyes- Unique- Natural eyes 5
Jacket- Grasp- Camo cargo
Shirt- F.A.T. Camo top
Pants- Tonktastic- brown camo pants
Boots- Docs V2- Camo
Armbands- Tonktastic- urban arm belts
Necklace- Sinistyle- Dog tags
Gloves- Tonktastic- fingerless gloves style B
You look -Amazing-!! My only concern, behbeh, is that the rebel badguys may see you coming with all those flashlights strapped on and beaming all over the place! Don't let post-apocalyptic Tina Turner find you! <3 100%